Did you know that when it comes to studying or completing schoolwork, less can be more?
This is because research shows that our brains—especially those of adolescences and teenagers—are not wired to stay focused for hours at a time.
Instead, the most productive approach to completing work is to break tasks into shorter segments that are separated by breaks, ultimately increasing your motivation and allowing you to get more done in less time. That is why this month’s study tips are:
→ Pick one night where you study in 30 minute chunks with 5 minute breaks in between.
→ Set alarms to remind you when to start and stop studying.
Why does Breaking Work into Smaller Pieces increase grades and decrease stress?
- Taking short breaks as rewards for completing intermediate tasks can help increase student motivation.
- Research out of Cornell revealed that taking breaks from working on the computer increased accuracy on tasks by 13 percent.
- Harvard Medical School reports that using study breaks to get fresh air and/or engage in exercise can reduce stress levels.
3 ways Breaking Work into Smaller Pieces increase college readiness:
- Taking study breaks is a way for college students to avoid burnout.
- College students are prone to technological distractions, so breaks allow students to indulge themselves in a way that helps prevent multitasking.
- Cramming information for hours on end is not an effective way to retain information.
Take it to the next level!
- Focus on just one task at a time. Multitasking only slows you down and leads to more mistakes.
- Do your most challenging work first, when you have the most energy.
- Find the location that allows you to do your best work, and make sure you do your schoolwork there.
Remember, developing great habits takes consistent practice so keep at it!