Through Revolution Prep, I’ve had the pleasure of helping hundreds of families plan and prepare for the SAT, ACT and academics. I’ve worked with straight-A students looking to raise their score up to a 2300+ on the SAT, and I’ve worked with students hoping to master algebra, and everyone in between.
I’ve also seen the positive impact that one-on-one tutoring can have on already impressive students. Whether it’s preparing for difficult SAT Subject Tests and AP exams, or crafting amazing college essays for the best schools in the country, our professional tutors have turned excellent students into truly exceptional college applicants.
We’ve found that students with straight A’s benefit from working one-on-one with a tutor. Here’s a quick list of some of the ways that private tutoring can ensure your student’s continued academic success:
Tutoring helps maintain positive momentum.
If you child is getting straight A’s and staying on top of all their schoolwork, that’s fantastic! A tutor can make sure that your child is keeping up with academic material that is cumulative, meaning it will only get more and more difficult. Middle and high school are where study skills and an appreciation for learning are formed. Tutoring ensures that your student keeps his or her great work going, because colleges are looking for top-notch grades, and they’re also looking forconsistency.
Tutoring can elevate scores even higher.
I’ve worked with hundreds of students who are scoring above a 2000 on the SAT and above a 29 on the ACT to improve scores because these days, top-tier colleges throughout the country have incredibly high score requirements. The material you’ll need to master in order to score in the uppermost percentiles is difficult. A tutor well versed in the exams can figure out exactly how to maximize your child’s scores, including making great scores even better.
A tutor can prepare you for specific, advanced exams.
If your student is planning to apply to competitive colleges, it’s obviously important to cross all your t’s and dot all your i’s. One of the best ways for your student to showcase his or her ability is on SAT Subject Tests and AP exams. These exams are difficult single-subject tests that require a ton of preparation. A mediocre score on a Subject Test or AP exam isn’t going to help your student, but a stellar performance can play a big role in distinguishing their college transcript.
Tutoring can allow your student to start on advanced material
Talented students are often working at one or two grade levels beyond their peers. With the help of a tutor, your student can approach more advanced material while maintaining important instructional guidance. We’ve had many students receive their textbooks for next year’s class so they can prepare and be ahead of the curve.
If you have a high-achieving student that is going to be applying to top-tier colleges with a 4.0 GPA and stellar test scores, working one-on-one with a tutor will still make a huge difference in your preparation for college and beyond.
Revolution Prep is here to help. Whether you’re looking to find the perfect tutor or just need a little guidance, we’re ready to start the conversation when you are. Give us a call at (855) 976-5065 or click below.